GW Cancer Center

Optimizing GW Cancer Center’s Strategy to Reduce Nationwide Cancer Burdens

To help GW Cancer Center’s Technical Assistance Program (GWCC TAP) raise awareness and utilization of their resources among Comprehensive Cancer Control Programs (CCCPs) nationwide, Boombox Marketing crafted a multi-pronged marketing and communication strategy.

We brought together team members across web and UX, social media, writing, design, and account management to develop eight overarching goals that would help GWCC TAP connect with and engage cancer control professionals while driving overall brand awareness.

Boombox helped to define primary and secondary audiences and the platforms and content types they’re most likely to utilize. Our strategy also included an updated positioning statement and brand voice, as well as identified existing communication challenges and opportunities.

Our social media experts collaborated closely with the GWCC TAP team to establish platform-specific social media strategies, and our web team outlined a plan for a new website that improves functionality and makes valuable cancer control resources easier to find and use.

Every component of the 26-page strategy allows GWCC TAP to elevate their existing tools, connect more meaningfully with their audiences, and improve comprehensive cancer control across all 50 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, and native tribes and territories.

8 overarching goals to connect with & engage 66 Comprehensive Cancer Control Programs

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