To promote its anthology drama series “The First Lady,” Showtime partnered with Ritz-Carlton to transform four suites in Ritz hotels across the country into First Lady Suites. Each room was outfitted with set pieces from “The First Lady” to reflect the unique styles of the show’s biopic First Ladies: Betty Ford, Michelle Obama, and Eleanor Roosevelt, with the fourth suite combining elements of all three.
We were engaged to create four 30-second social media videos promoting the immersive experience. We cross-cut footage from “The First Lady” with video of the suites to illustrate how iconic props, outfits, and accessories were incorporated into the room designs. Our videos highlighted the historical, museum-like atmosphere of each room, while promoting the series, the Ritz, and Showtime with intro and outro cards and interspersed visual cues.
Part social campaign,
part time capsule.
5 W 37th St.
New York, NY 10018
3110 Pennsylvania Ave.
Santa Monica, CA 90404
3014 Dauphine Street
New Orleans, LA 70117
Suite C